Saturday, 15 October 2011

Gym gym gym

So the initial plan of going to the gym 5 days a week has faltered due to tiredness of my muscles, I presume over time when I get back into shape, 5 days a week will be feasible.

Going to the gym is one of my main hobbies (not a fitness freak, I just enjoy it). It's just a shame at the weekend here, the transport links are atrocious. University buses stop running at 4.20? It sucks.

Still, it's a very good university. I had my first GIS )Geographical Information Systems) session yesterday, which I will make a post on in the future once i've grasped some aspects of it.


  1. My personal trainer actually advised against exercising more than 3 days a week. He reccomended for every day of workout you allow a day of recovery to allow your muscles to repair. a 45-60 minute workout with a wide range of motion and good cardio is sufficient to get in shape.

  2. Ouch, don't overwork yourself! Hope you feel less tired! :)

  3. Hey man if you already like going to the gym, then you're already covered! :)

  4. Stay on your grind, man! Make it count!

  5. Five days a week is overkill. Go three times at most.

  6. 3 days a week is recommendable, need to give a day recovery each time mate! Try mon, tue, wed with the weekend off.

  7. I haven't gone to a gym once in the last few months so you're still doing a better job than me. :P

  8. Going at all is doing better than me haha.

  9. Nice! Something so great about feeling like you're exercising regularly. Personally, I love jogging! Keep it up
